This course will prepare you to become an Early Years Educator, enabling you to work with children from birth to 5 years and gain knowledge of children aged 5 to 7 years. This vocational route is ideal for mature learners who have some experience, either volunteering or working in early years, or may have their own children or some life experience. The course is open to learners aged 19-23, and 24+ and is offered as a part-time vocational route to Early Years Educator. You will need to attend College once a week (on a Friday) (in term-time) from 09.00-15.00 and will also be expected to complete independent study and assignment tasks in your own time. You will be supported to achieve your practical competencies in placement with workshop sessions when you attend College each week, which will be with your assessor. She will also visit you in your placement setting, at least once in each age group to observe your practice and assess competency. You need to experience different age groups within the 0-5 years range. The minimum requirement works out in full days as: 3-5 years: – 32 days 2 -2 years 11 months: – 22 days 0-1 year 11 months: – 6 days. We recommend two full days per week, however if you are working/volunteering you may be able to do more days/structure your time differently.
This qualification prepares learners to become Early Years Educators, enabling them to work with children from birth to 5 years and gain knowledge of children aged 5 to 7 years. Upon achievement of this qualification learners will be able to enter the workforce as Early Years Educators or access Higher Education.